Monday, August 22, 2016

Week 53

The work is good! We got the elder's area book on Tuesday, and there are SO many people in it. Wow. They had a few dates set, and a TON of potential investigators. Some of them don't even have any information except for a name and an address. During weekly planning this week we planned every single one into our plans, so we are going to contact them and start clearing out the area book. Hopefully in the next few weeks we can cut it down so it's back to a manageable size. We set a few really awesome dates that I will tell you about!

This Friday I hit my 1 year as a missionary mark! I love being a missionary so much, and I am so grateful for these experiences I'm having. My 1 year celebration was pretty fun:) We proselyted like normal, and went to the Ward Talent Show! That was fun. We also set a date with a potential investigator earlier that day, and he came to the talent show!
Celebrating my 1 Year anniversary!
1 year as a missionary: Aug 19, 2016

We met some pretty cool people this week. We helped 4 different member families create family mission plans, which was awesome. And we also taught three less actives, and one recent convert! (the recent convert was R. We taught her and her dad at the bishop's house. He had us over for a dinner appointment yesterday). 

We met a awesome family on Wednesday. Well, we met the dad last week, but we met the mother and son this week. They are an older family, but they are so cool. We taught them a little bit and set baptismal dates with M and M! It is going to be awesome. We are meeting with them again this Wednesday.

On Friday, my 1 year mark, we met C. He made some bad decisions in his past and has been working hard for the past few years to fix everything. He told us he wants to be baptized and that he is excited to begin to progress towards that! He came to the ward talent show. I am excited to help him feel the atonement help him in his life.

That was basically my week! It was an awesome one.

I am so excited for this upcoming week. It's going to be so great!

With love,
Sister Minson

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